26 Oct Blacksburg Museum
Blacksburg Museum
Blacksburg Museum
After fire completey destroyed his family’s first home, Alexander Black began construction on an extravagant Queen Anne Victorian in 1896. A decendant of Blacksburg’s Founder, Alexander built the large home to demonstrate how successful one could be in this small southwestern Virginia town. A banker and businessman, Alexander descends from an influential family in fields of farming, business and medicine. The Black family played an important role in the founding and growth of Virginia Tech as well as the town.
When Alexander passed away in 1935 the house became a boarding home for a short time and then hosted a series of funeral homes. In 2002 the Town purchased the home to save it from demolition and moved it across Draper Road. It sat vacant until funds were raised to complete the first phase of the restoration.
Alexander Black House & Cultural Center: Present Day
“Building community through the arts, history & cultural heritage of Blacksburg”
In August of 2014, the Alexander Black House & Cultural Center opened its restored first floor to the public. Today, The Alexander Black House & Cultural Center enjoys the restored first & second floors and houses:
Rotating exhibits of art, history & culture
Community gathering spaces
Archives & collections of the Blacksburg museum
Children’s room
Executive offices of the Blacksburg Museum & Cultural Foundation
Gift Shop that promotes local artists
History & Genealogy Research Center
Permanent exhibit of Blacksburg’s history
Permanent “period display” & exhibit in the Alexander Black Bedroom
Annual community events such as the “Blues, Brews & BBQ” Festival
Permanent outdoor sculpture exhibit
Education & Workshop room
The site is operated by the Blacksburg Museum & Cultural Foundation (501c3 nonprofit) as the Alexander Black House & Cultural center with a mission to preserve, interpret, and promote Blacksburg’s art, history, and cultural heritage.
203 Gilbert St
Blacksburg, VA 24061