Snow Days are the Best Days in SWVA

Snow Days are the Best Days in SWVA

Snow days are some of the best days in Southwest Virginia! Although we have not had the most snow this season, we did have a brief one the other day, which was perfect for a photographic adventure! I went out to Damascus, Virginia to the Creeper trail with my uncle to capture some of the rare beauty.

It was a chilling 25 degrees outside, but that wasn’t going to stop us from capturing some nice snow day photos and video. We were lucky to capture all that we did because a couple hours later, most of the snow from the night before had already melted away. It’s funny how weather works in Southwest, Virginia!

We hiked down parts of the creeper trail around town and were blown away by just how beautiful the landscape was. There was just enough snow scattered around to make for some beautiful winter photos, but not so much we had to worry about getting too wet or cold. We’re lucky to be able to live in an area which has all four seasons.

I personally enjoy the warm summer months where everything is in full bloom, but I don’t mind the chance at seeing the landscape in the other seasons as well. Typically winter in Southwest Virginia is cold and full of snow, but over the last couple of years we havn’t seen a lot of that. As a landscape photographer, that’s harsh sometimes, and I hope that we at least get one more good snow day before Spring arrives.

If you have never seen the snow before, I urge you to plan a winter time trip to Southwest, Virginia and take a chance on seeing it for yourself. While we may not always have it in our cozy small towns, White Top Mountain is sure to at least have a little for you.