
In the more than 250 years since Mary Draper Ingles was captured by Shawnee warriors, escaped and made her historic return journey to the New River Valley of Virginia, much has been written and produced about the preeminent colonial heroine. Mary represents hundreds of women who survived capture and returned to their log cabin homes during the early settlement of the region west of the Alleghenies.Today a 22-foot obelisk stands in her honor in the...

Built in 1908, this building is complete with Flemish gables, octagonal towers, a hip roof, arched windows and spiral staircases. Of particular interest is the Crossroads Museum on the first floor in what was formerly known as the Clerk's Vault Room. Numerous displays featuring local history (Civil War, Native American, etc.) artifacts. Listed on the National and Virginia Registers of Historic Places. Open to the public, the Baldwin Auditorium (located in the former courtroom) is...