Morning- A visit to Glen Lyn can begin at the Glen Lyn Town Office, located at 205 Houston Lane.
A beautiful long walking and biking trail system starts at the Town Hall and follows Hwy. 460 going under the bridge and then through the Glen Lyn Park and along the New River. The trail is 1.73 miles long and has a mixed surface of asphalt and gravel and very minor grade changes. Restroom facilities are available along the trail.
Enjoy lunch in Glen Lyn by picking up needed items from the Valero Convenience Center or Neighbors Exxon. The Glen Lyn Town Park offers a great location along the New River Water Trail to partake your meal. Neighbors also has light shopping to enjoy!
After lunch consider hiking a portion of the Mary Ingles Trail (MIT). The trail traverses seven miles one way on river right along the New River. This trail has no improved surface, no restrooms, and has moderate grade changes throughout. To return to Glen Lyn you must walk back along the same trail. There are great views of Shumate Falls and many wildlife viewing opportunities, including osprey and eagles, which are common in this area.
The trail approximates the route taken by a pioneer woman, Mary Draper Ingles, and her companion, an elderly Dutch woman, following their escape in 1755 from Shawnee captors at what is now Big Bone Lick, Kentucky. With no maps and only her memory to guide her, Mary reasoned the only way to return home was to follow the rivers. After an incredible 40-day journey over an estimated 450+ miles of rough terrain the two nearly starved women found their way to her home near present day Eggleston, Virginia. In memory of their courageous journey, a group of Kanawha Valley hikers organized the Mary Ingles Trail Blazers in 1989.
You may also choose to spend the day with a trail pass from Kairos Resort located on Shumate Falls Road. Trail passes and UTV rentals are available. One could spend the afternoon birding or riding the trails.
Lodging is available at the RV and tent campground at Kairos. They also have luxury yurts and primitive wilderness campsites. You may also enjoy camping along the New River at the Glen Lyn Campground. Registration can be obtained at the Town Office. During the summer months on Saturday mornings you may also find flea market vendors set up near the bath house.