Villa Appalaccia is one of the more unique of the Virginia wineries. Enjoy a slice of Tuscany on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Southwest Virginia. Taste our innovative wines made from Primitivo, Sangiovese, Malvasia, Aglianico, Montepulciano, Trebbiano and Cabernet Franc grapes. Cheese & bread plates are available as well.
Hours of Tastings and Sales: Friday, 11:00-5:00; Saturday 11:00-6:00; Sunday 12:00-4:30; Holiday Mondays, 11:00-4:00. October hours are listed on website.
Directions: Located off the Blue Ridge Parkway between mileposts 170 and 171. Five miles south of Rt. 8 on Parkway to gravel road Rt. 720 (on left-go 300 yards) or 6.2 miles north of Rt. 58 on Parkway to Rt. 720 on right-go 1�2 mile.
Visit our website: www.villaappalaccia.com