The Radford Tourism & Cultural Arts Commission is thrilled to announce that a new attraction is being installed in downtown Radford. Oversized L-O-V-E letters will form the display at the intersection of Main and Virginia Streets (in what was formerly called the Farmers Market lot). The commission decided to use classic white letters and to feature the Radford logo inside the “O” since the new design unveiled recently has been so well received. The solid white acrylic letters will be customized throughout the year to feature holidays and special events that are happening in Radford.
The bright white letters will stand out against the ghost ad mural that is so well known and recognized in downtown. The perfect picture can be taken by standing on the sidewalk to the east of the letters, and a short wall in front of the letters allows for friends and family to easily be included in the photo. The iconic Radford clock borders the photo to the right and the mural in the background pays tribute to the many artistic offerings found in Radford–from the Radford University College of Visual and Performing Arts Series to our public art program that has been featured over the past several years as well as the local artisans and crafters that call Radford home.