The trail runs from Burke’s Garden/Tazewell to Guest River Gorge/Wise County. The 128 mile ride with 40 miles side trails treks through backroads, rails to trails, single track, historic sites, natural preserve, wilderness area, a swinging bridge, three scenic rivers, farms, coal country, and gorgeous views in the far southwestern counties of Tazewell, Bland, Russell, and Wise and crosses the Trans-America bike route. It takes secondary roads through some of the most diverse areas and there are several climbs on the route; elevations from 2821 ft. to 3960 ft. with a total ascent of 6585 ft. Cyclists traverse in and out of the Jefferson National Forest. Dispersed/primitive camping on federal lands is allowed at no cost except where marked prohibited. The mid-point is approximately Wardell with close-by towns of Pounding Mill, Claypool Hill and Cedar Bluff. Holiday Inn Express in Pounding Mill, Super 8 Motel in Claypool Hill and Budget Inn at Cedar Bluff offer a good nights rest. Further along is the county seat of Russell County, Lebanon, to pick up supplies, eat and rest. After that, next amenities are in the St. Paul-Castlewood. There is a motel in Castlewood, The Inn, and several places offering supplies, food and to take a break in St. Paul.