30 Things To Do In The Fall In SWVA

30 Things To Do In The Fall In SWVA

There’s always something fun to do in Southwest Virginia, which is why we have put together this list of 30 SWVA things to do in the fall. Sometimes it can be hard to come up with fun ideas so we took the time to do that for you!

Feel free to add your own little twist to each of these ideas to make them even more fun. Be sure to bring a friend along to add to the fun and excitement while exploring beautiful Southwest, Virginia!

  1. Visit a Pumpkin Patch
  2. Go on a Hay Ride
  3. Travel the Back of the Dragon
  4. Visit a “New” Small Town
  5. Visit a Local Coffee Shop / Cafe
  6. Drive the Blue Ridge Parkway
  7. Bike the Virginia Creeper Trail
  8. Take Fall Foliage Photos
  9. Paint or Carve a Pumpkin
  10. Go to a Haunted House
  11. Visit a Craft Brewery
  12. Watch a Scary Movie
  13. Go to a Corn Maze
  14. Visit a Farmers Market
  15. Shop Local Businesses
  16. Go to a local football game
  17. Make a bonfire
  18. Take a Camping Trip
  19. Visit a Museum
  20. Watch a Play at the Barter Theatre
  21. Stay at a Bed & Breakfast
  22. Make a Fall Craft Project
  23. Go to a Flea Market
  24. Attended a Craft Fair
  25. Try a New Local Restaurant
  26. Volunteer or Raise Money
  27. Visit a Winery
  28. Have some Apple Cider
  29. Have a Cookout
  30. Jump in a Pile of Leaves

If you do happen to do some of these fun little ideas and capture some photos along the way, feel free to tag us on Instagram or Facebook! We would love to see all of the amazing things you do while in Southwest, Virginia!